Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

April showers bring May flowers — and possible water damage and flooding if you’re not careful!

Make sure your home is well equipped for the new season. After all, preventing water damage ends up being far cheaper than needing to pay for full home repairs!

Ensure Proper Drainage

Make sure you check that your gutters are clear of debris, as clogged gutters can send water directly down the side of your home (damaging both your foundation and siding). You’ll also want to ensure your downspouts are directing water away from your house, at least 5 to 10 feet!

Test Your Sump Pump

The last thing you want is for a major storm to hit and your sump pump to fail! Check your sump pump at least once, annually, or more often if we find ourselves in a particularly rainy season. All you need to do is slowly fill the sump pit with water and watch for the float to rise. Once it does, the sump pump should kick on and the water level should fall.

Repair Missing or Loose Shingles

If your roof has any damaged shingles, it’s time to get them repaired! It’s also the perfect time to check any damaged caulking and inspect for leaks surrounding flashing. If you get these things fixed early, you may not have any long-term damage!

Contact the Professionals at Landmark Exteriors!

If you’re in need of assistance surrounding roofing, gutters, and or siding, we’ve got you covered. We’d be happy to help you prepare your home for the spring season. Contact us at (203)838-3838 to discuss your options!

Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring is a time for warmer weather, brighter days, and new life after a dark and dreary winter. From cleaning your windows to inspecting your roof, here’s how you can get your home in tip-top shape so you can enjoy the lazy summer ahead!

Check the Roof

From heavy snow to rough winds, the winter weather could have done a real number on your roof. Take a walk around your home and check your roof for damaged, loose, or missing shingles, sagging fascia, or loose gutters. Any damage like that will need to be repaired.

Clean the Gutters

April showers bring May flowers…and flooding issues if you have dirty gutters. Take a Saturday to clean out your gutters and rid them of any leaves, twigs, or other debris that may clog them. You should also inspect your downspouts for obstructions  and consider extending them.

Clean Your Windows

Wipe down the insides and outsides of your windows to get them sparklingly enough to let the spring sunshine in. While you’re at it, you should always check for any cracks or drafts in your current windows and consider replacing them with better-insulated models.

Wash Your Siding

If your home’s siding is covered in dirt or other grime, wash it off using soap, water, and a gentle scrub brush. This is especially important to do if you were using ice-melting salt around your home, as it can also eat away at your siding.

Trim Your Landscaping

Your shrubbery will need some grooming once the spring weather lets them grow their leaves back again. You should also seed your lawn so it grows full and green, and add soil to any areas where it was depleted over winter.

Contact the professionals at Landmark Exteriors!

When it comes to roofing, gutters, and siding, we know our stuff. We’d be happy to help you update your home before putting it on the market. Contact us at (203)838-3838 to discuss your options!

4 Home Updates to Boost Resale Value

Did you know that according to real estate experts and various studies, the best time to sell a home is late spring?

If you’re looking to put your home on the market, here are some home updates that may boost your selling price!

1.Kitchen Renovations

For many years, kitchen renovation projects have served as a cornerstone of residential real estate improvement efforts. While kitchen designs and trends may change over time, having updated appliances, proper lighting, smart storage and enough counter space can always entice a buyer.

2. Bathroom Upgrades

Whether it’s a fresh coat of paint or a full bathroom reno, a nice looking bathroom can do wonders for your home. It’s also important to consider updating a bathroom to be user-friendly for all ages — a separate walk-in shower can help those in wheelchairs or elderly home buyers, for example.

3. Landscaping Improvements

Do your grounds appear eye-catching? Creating a park-like landscape can cause a serious boost in curb appeal. In-ground solar-powered lighting for walkways, trimmed shrubs, and a newly painted door can be quick improvements that really pack a punch.

4. Roof And Gutter Renovations

Repairing your roof and gutter system not only adds to the beauty of a home but the functionality as well. Installing attractive exterior siding in conjunction with new roofs and gutters can also add to your home’s curb appeal and resale value.

Contact the professionals at Landmark Exteriors!

When it comes to roofing, gutters, and siding, we know our stuff. We’d be happy to help you update your home before putting it on the market. Contact us at (203)838-3838 to discuss your options!

Spring Chores to Do Now

When you say “spring chores,” it’s likely that you think about all of the tasks you need to do inside your home. However, the exterior of your home needs a little TLC, too!

These following three tasks count as some of the most important ones you can do to maintain your home and it’s value. They’re practical and add to your home’s curbside appeal to boot!

1. Fix the Roof

Did your roof spring a leak over the winter? Did some shingles come undone? Is your roof, in general, starting to look a bit saggy? Then, once the spring thaw hits, it’s time to fix the roof!

As USA Today points out, leaks and other roof problems lead to even bigger problems (like mold or pests) and if left unchecked, will destroy your home and knock down its value.

2. Clean the Gutters

Each season, your gutters can easily collect twigs, leaves, and other debris, which can lead to drainage issues when it rains. If water has nowhere to go, it will fall down the side of your home. Any leftover or standing water can cause some serious mold and pest problems as well!

3. Take Care of the Siding

The siding on your home can take a serious beating during the winter months. From salt and sand to mud and other organic matter, you’ll want to get rid of the gunk. Depending on your siding, a hose or power washer can help tidy things up!

Need help with any of the above? Our Home Care division provides an extensive list of services to keep your home in tip-top shape. From roof inspections to siding repairs, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today!