How to Prep Your Roof for the Fall

Fall in Connecticut is one of the best times to enjoy outdoor activities, not to worry about home maintenance. Leave the fall clean up to the professionals! The best way to prepare your roof for everything fall may throw (literally and figuratively!) at it is to have your roofing professional perform the following tasks:

Remove Debris

You’d be surprised what debris can get caught up in your gutters. It’s important to have all tree branches, plants, toys, and any other debris removed from your roof. Even small objects can cause a major problem with your roof and gutters. Take time now, before the weather drops and snow comes! 

Clean Your Gutters

After you remove any debris, your gutters should get a good cleaning so they can keep doing their job without any obstructions. When our gutters become full of leaves or other debris, this clog can cause water to pool on your roof. This moisture can eventually run the risk of seeping under your shingles and entering your home. Without debris, your gutters will keep flowing and have no issues when rain and snow come their way.

Check for Leaks

If your attic is properly insulated, you may think that you’re defended against leaks. However, you should still take time to check for leaks. Not only can leaks left unfixed cause you to have to spend more on repairs, but they will pose a threat to your home’s structure. Have your roofing professional check for leaks now, and avoid having to do the repair in the colder, snowy months.

Schedule an Inspection

The summer sun can make your roofing materials swell, shift, or even crack from the heat. It’s best to get an inspection as the weather starts to cool off to ensure you won’t encounter any problems during months of snow, ice and harsh temperatures. A professional inspection this autumn is essential for identifying areas of damage. Contact our professionals at Landmark Exteriors to schedule a maintenance and inspection appointment.