5 Roofing Dangers to Watch Out For This Winter

Ice dams and snow on roof and gutters after bitter cold in New England, USA

Winter is a time when homeowners must be extra vigilant about their roofing system. With the snow, ice, and extreme temperatures that come with this season, several potential dangers could cause serious damage to your roof. 

To help you protect your roof and home this winter, the Landmark Exteriors team has put together a list of five roofing dangers to watch out for:

Five Winter Roofing Hazards

Ice Dams

Ice dams are ridges of ice that form along the edges of roofs in cold climates. They usually form due to heavy snow accumulation combined with heat escaping from inside the house. As heat melts the snow on top of the roof, it runs down towards the edge and refreezes, forming an ice dam. Ice dams can cause water to back up underneath shingles or leak into your home through cracks in walls and windowsills. The best way to prevent ice dams is by removing snow from your roof after a heavy storm and ensuring that proper attic insulation and ventilation are installed in your home.

Flashing Leaks

The flashing on a roof is the flat, thin pieces of metal around the roof’s perimeter that provide waterproof protection and protrusions in the roofing system. Roof flashing is particularly vulnerable to damage in the winter from heavy snow storms and ice build-up. Having your flashing inspected ahead of snowstorms to ensure they are not loose or damaged will help avoid any complications; even just a bit of packed snow can loosen them further to the point of falling off. 

Wind Damage

High winds can damage roofs during any season, but they become especially dangerous during winter as heavy snow accumulations increase wind loads on roofs. Make sure you check for missing or damaged shingles after each storm and have them repaired immediately if necessary. Regularly maintaining trees near your home can also help prevent wind damage, as large branches could fall onto your roof during high winds and cause significant damage if left unchecked. 

Extreme Temperatures

Extremely cold temperatures and rapid temperature shifts can wreak havoc on even the sturdiest of roofs over time by weakening sealants around flashing points or causing expansion/contraction issues in materials like asphalt shingles or metal panels. To protect against extreme temperature damage, make sure you have adequate insulation (including insulation between rafters) in place so that heat doesn’t escape too quickly from inside your home. This will keep temperatures more consistent on both sides of your roof, which will reduce wear and tear over time.  

Shingle Blow Offs

Shingles can blow off when strong winds lift up individual tabs due to improper installation or missing fasteners (e.g., nails). To protect against shingle blow offs, hire a professional contractor specializing in reroofing so they can properly install new shingles with appropriate fasteners that meet local building codes and will last confidently through winter. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come. If you need assistance preparing for winter weather conditions or would like a professional inspection of your roof before winter sets in, contact us today! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

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